This is an overview of each of the time , even though we eat a delicious banana every day to talk about at least one of the pieces . We use a lot of time to think about a banana as a fruit . However , not only the fruit, bananas , and even considered diet . Usually, women who want to lose weight, eat banana after intense sports activity .
However, to restore lost energy source and also to take advantage of the calcium content of banana . In fact, bananas, sugar -containing disorder . Sports actions consume it immediately after the blackberry drink juice or carrot juice .
This will restore the lost energy , but also a healthy way can help continue . The goal is to attract example , bananas have a lot of information about the unknown . Which comprehensively examining the data , the writer and publicist who offers us a unified way , Ms. of Philosophy in Biology .
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On the basis of his findings, I present to you today's news. Here you can learn about the benefits of bananas and chemical composition. The root system of the grass plant and a luscious paradise banana bread , vegetable dishes , the way bread , bread and so on in the garden . stalk is covered with feathers , flowers dark red color. The fruits are long, elongated, is a three -sided , celebrity cores . Seeds is in a very flattened . Banana fruit tərkibində75 - up to 76% water, 15-25 % sugar, up to 7 % starch, 1.3 % protein , 0.3-0.6 % essential oil , cellulose , apple acid , enzyme , pectin substances , potassium salts , C , B2 , PP , E A cars . There are a lot of tannin in the bark and.
The aqueous composition containing wheat banana quick solution to the smell from the air depends on its composition . is used in most of the fresh bananas .
Add the vegetables to the cooking part of the flour, powder , jam , juice, marmalade, syrup and others. as a laxative and stomach medications are. Immature fruit and flower diabetes diseases . a variety of fruits , from those who are involved in atherosclerosis, hypertension , dysentery , small intestine , stomach, inflammation of the kidneys, and so on. diseases are used . Due to an increase in the acidity of the sugar allowed to take fruit from the valuable physiologically - active substances , dopamine , catecholamine , and so on. from the intestine and the stomach to are used successfully . It juice to stop bleedings , dysentery , inflammation on against plague are.
In addition, the excitation banana juice , are also used. ashes are used as the root of the plant . Bananas are a source of potassium element . K cells collected from the human element heart , liver , brain and muscles , while most of the people who are suffering from the normal edit service is bananas . EdirInsanların banana treat the wounds of the stomach , 50% suffer from gastric ulcers . treatment of bananas , and the infusion is widely used. So has a positive effect on the stomach mucosa , causing ounces time to recover . In the usual treatment of eating fruits improves a person's mood .
It is part of the toning effect the time of the blood pressure is normal arterial blood pressure in humans , it positive nervous system , ultimately regulate the amount of sugar falls , lung stronger effect . Making banana growing , improving performance , eliminating fatigue .
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